Vorbestellungsaktion für this is my name

Im kommenden September erscheint alpha kartsakis this is my name.

Mit der Vorbestellung in unserem Online Shop könnt ihr die Produktion des Buches direkt unterstützen und sicherstellen — und bekommt es druckfrisch im September zugeschickt.

Lieben Dank für die Umsetzung an die Kolleg*innen von Roots of Compassion!

„What‘s in a name? What happens when we consciously choose a different name? How do names influence our identity? this is my name is a collection of intimate stories about the personal journey of people who have consciously decided to change their names: amongst others a non-binary teenager from Germany, a journalist from Turkey persecuted for his political beliefs, a Hungarian performance artist who works with trauma through rituals, and a trans-woman asylum seeker from Mexico.
Through interviews and testimonials, the stories open a discussion about racial prejudice, mental health issues, neurodiversity, transphobia, xenophobia, resistance towards anything non-normative, freedom of choice and authenticity.“

alpha kartsaki is a multimedia artist based in Berlin, identifying as white, gender non-conforming, neurodiverse, able-bodied.
Instagram @alphakar | www.alpha-kartsaki.com