Pre-order now: this is my name

This coming September, alpha kartsakis this is my name will be released.

By pre-ordering in our online shop you can directly support and ensure the production of the book – and get it hot off the press in September.

Many thanks for the realization to the colleagues of Roots of Compassion!

“What‘s in a name? What happens when we consciously choose a different name? How do names influence our identity? this is my name is a collection of intimate stories about the personal journey of people who have consciously decided to change their names: amongst others a non-binary teenager from Germany, a journalist from Turkey persecuted for his political beliefs, a Hungarian performance artist who works with trauma through rituals, and a trans-woman asylum seeker from Mexico.
Through interviews and testimonials, the stories open a discussion about racial prejudice, mental health issues, neurodiversity, transphobia, xenophobia, resistance towards anything non-normative, freedom of choice and authenticity.”

alpha kartsaki is a multimedia artist based in Berlin, identifying as white, gender non-conforming, neurodiverse, able-bodied.
Instagram @alphakar |