New Releases


Oct 30, 2024

Lesung Fragile Fäden Glitch

MüNCHEN, Glitch
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Nov 14, 2024

Lesung Fragile Fäden Berlin

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Pre-order now: this is my name

This coming September, alpha kartsakis this is my name will be released.

By pre-ordering in our online shop you can directly support and ensure the production of the book – and get it hot off the press in September.

Many thanks for the realization to the colleagues of Roots of Compassion!

“What‘s in a name? What happens when we consciously choose a different name? How do names influence our identity? this is my name is a collection of intimate stories about the personal journey of people who have consciously decided to change their names: amongst others a non-binary teenager from Germany, a journalist from Turkey persecuted for his political beliefs, a Hungarian performance artist who works with trauma through rituals, and a trans-woman asylum seeker from Mexico.
Through interviews and testimonials, the stories open a discussion about racial prejudice, mental health issues, neurodiversity, transphobia, xenophobia, resistance towards anything non-normative, freedom of choice and authenticity.”

alpha kartsaki is a multimedia artist based in Berlin, identifying as white, gender non-conforming, neurodiverse, able-bodied.
Instagram @alphakar |

Welcome to our new website 🌸

Das Foto zeigt eine Person, die an einem Runden Tisch am Laptop sitzt und arbeitet. Auf dem Tisch sind verschiedene gegenstände versträut: Stifte, Schlüssel, eine Teetasse, Zettel etc.

Dear visitors, dear readers,
thank you for finding your way to our new website, welcome!

Many months of work, many meetings, hours of thinking, programming and writing are behind this interface.

Our “old” website served us well for four and a half years, now we could finally make some leaps towards clarity and accessibility, which makes us very happy. We have reworked all text pages, the book and author pages shine in their new structure. Current events and press reviews are easier to find, and our books try to be arranged in categories.

One of the many highlights is the bilingualism (German/English) of the site, so the English-language books are much easier to find and general info about edition assemblage as well.

We are responsible for the whole work as a collective. Most of the work has been done by: Carla Schäfer, Hannah C. Rosenblatt and Simon Brinkman (layout and programming). Thanks a lot, without you this site wouldn’t exist!

How do you like the new site? Once again we are looking forward to your feedback!

We wish you a lot of fun while browsing!


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