We are always happy when people want to become part of edition assemblage. This can happen in many different ways. Here is an extensive but certainly not exhaustive list.
The most obvious way to become part of the assemblage is probably to publish a book with us. If that’s what you have in mind, as a group or individual, we’d be happy to talk to you. Please send us a synopsis in which you present the concept of your publication: a brief summary of the content, scope and schedule.
Organize Events and Readings
Books come to life when they are read aloud and discussed. Our authors are always happy to receive requests for readings. Send us an email and we will put you in touch with our authors and try, as far as our capacities allow, to support you in organizing and carrying out readings.
Are you organizing a summer camp, a conference, a meeting or something similar and do you still have space for a book table with thematically suitable books from us? Send us an email and we will provide you with exciting reading material.

Write a review
Have you read one of our books and want to share your thoughts about it?
Reviews, for example in magazines and on blogs, are a great way to make our books known. If you are interested in a certain book and have an idea where your review could be published, send us an email and we will provide you with a review copy.
We are always interested in an exchange with other groups and actors. Let’s build and promote our structures, share resources, organize events, mobilize, …
You will find an overview and links to publishers, bookstores, book fairs, etc., with which we are connected, right here: