Sina Holst

At ea, I edited the essay collection Wege zum Nein, together with the incredible Johanna Montanari. We founded The Irksome Institute in 2015 in order to write and publish together. The Irksome Institute is like always having a friendly dragon at my back: knowing that we can create our own standards, values, take ourselves and each other seriously, and insist on the political nature of those places in our lives where we most painfully struggle to find allies. The Irksome Institute is a plea for having your own spaces, your own thinking, and the curiosity to experiment with your own politics.
Since Wege zum Nein, I have learned more about bodies, somatics, somatic politics, and healing. In the sequel to Wege zum Nein, Wege zum Ja, I would write an article about trauma-informed consent.
The image shows Sina (on the left) and Johanna, a.k.a. The Irksome Institute, 2017