The Little Book of Big Visions
How to be an Artist and Revolutionize the World Sandrine Micossé-Aikins, Sharon Dodua Otoo (Hg.) Reihe: Witnessed
Paperback, 158 Seiten
140 x 205mm
978-3-942885-31-7 / 2-973
14,80 Euro
Erscheinungstermin: 09/2012
Reihe: Witnessed
Paperback, 158 Seiten
140 x 205mm
978-3-942885-31-7 / 2-973
14,80 Euro
Erscheinungstermin: 09/2012


If Babylon should fall tomorrow, how would Black artists react?

Black artists in Germany find themselves – necessarily – in a position where double consciousness, subversiveness and resistance – both implicit and explicit – become important strategies for surviving in this predominantly white environment. The Little Book of Big Visions. How to be an Artist and Revolutionize the World, the first publication in the English-language series Witnessed, answers the questions of what truly egalitarian communities and societies might look like and what role Black cultural workers play in the realization of such visions. What would Black artistic practices within such visionary communities look like? What is beyond reaction and resistance? This book aims to contribute to a discourse underrepresented in Germany by enabling a discussion of the current situation of Black cultural workers in Germany and by focusing on how contemporary Black cultural workers in Germany create and communicate visions of equal opportunities.

Witnessed Book Series Edition 1 ~ Sharon Dodua Otoo

Mit Beiträgen von Jamika Ajalon, Bibiana Arena, Mo Asumang, Sonia Elizabeth Barrett, Misa Dayson, Philipp Khabo Koepsell, Gyavira Lasana, Stephen Lawson, Sandrine Micossé-Aikins, Caille Millner, Yvette Mutumba, Sharon Dodua Otoo und Alexander G. Weheliye.

Herausgeber*innen & Reihe

Sandrine Micossé-Aikins — Sandrine Micossé-Aikins ist Kunstwissenschaftlerin, Kuratorin und Kulturaktivistin und arbeitet schwerpunktmäßig zu Rassismus und Empowerment in der Kunst, der Wirkmacht kolonialer Bilder, Körperpolitik sowie Repräsentation und Teilhabe im deutschsprachigen Kunst-und Kulturbetrieb. Mehr Infos

Sharon Dodua Otoo — Sharon Dodua Otoo ist Autorin, Aktivistin und Herausgeberin der englischsprachigen Buchreihe “Witnessed”. Ihre ersten Novellen “the things i am thinking while smiling politely” (2012) und “Synchronicity” (2015) sind jeweils 2012 und 2014 auch in deutscher Übersetzung bei edition assemblage erschienen. Mehr Infos

Witnessed — Eine englischsprachige Buchreihe von Schwarzen Autor*innen, die in Deutschland gelebt haben. Die Reihe wird von Sharon Dodua Otoo herausgegeben und erscheint im Verlag edition assemblage. Mehr Infos

Mit Beiträgen von Jamika Ajalon, Bibiana Arena, Mo Asumang, Sonia Elizabeth Barrett, Misa Dayson, Philipp Khabo Koepsell, Gyavira Lasana, Stephen Lawson, Sandrine Micossé-Aikins, Caille Millner, Yvette Mutumba, Sharon Dodua Otoo und Alexander G. Weheliye.

Leseprobe / Cover

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Textauszug aus dem Buch The Little Book of Big Visions:

For Black artists working in Germany, the goal … should not rest solely with being seen and heard in a country that continues to struggle with having an ethnically and racially diverse population. The exciting mission, should we choose to accept it, is to serve as global role models on how to break through oppositional social constructs like race, class, gender, culture and nationality. In doing so, we create new models for what living in a world that privileges a multiplicity of voices would look like.

Imagine Us There: Visions of Radical. Art. People. Spaces by Misa Dayson



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